Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pawn Stars??? Don't let the title fool you!!!

As you know, Big Daddy is all about learning stuff.  Most of the "stuff" is not going to help solve world peace or anything like that, but it is cool learning along the way. 

Pawn Stars on the History channel is a home run!!!  It has been a long time since I have been so engrossed in a reality type show.  I have learned about pawn stores and how they work. I have seen things that I never thought I would see on this series.  

Pawn Stars at the end of thirty minutes leaves me wanting for more.  My surprise comes in the fact that it feeds my insatiable appetite for edification.  I actually feel like I have bettered myself and not just wasted a half hour of my time.  

The cast is great. Old Man, Big Hoss, and Rick,  are a very intelligent group of men who teach as well as they entertain.  Throw in Chumlee, and I would feel at home with these guys in the backyard grilling steaks and chewing the fat.

Do yourself a favor, drop in sometime at the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop and listen to what Rick has to say about the next treasure to walk into his store.  Tell them Big Daddy sent you. I promise you will be glad you stopped by.

Did you know?

Trench coats were worn in WWI and got their name because they were worn in the trenches that the soldiers bunkered.  The heavy wool provided warmth, but also provided protection form many of the small hand held weapons used in close combat.

Prohibition alcohol could only be sold for medicinal purposes.  A prescription was required to obtain the alcohol.

These are just a couple of the things I learned on Pawn Stars.  

Meet you at Rick's counter with my comic book collection,

Smarter for having watched Big Daddy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What do the yellow brick road and growing up have in common?

As it turns out, not a whole lot, but there is a theme in there that I would like to pursue.  That theme would be following.  That being said,  following the yellow brick road is a segue into today's life lesson.

Following the yellow brick road led Dorothy and crew to the Emerald City, where their wants and needs could be fulfilled.  What we find to be true, is that along the way there are different paths off of the yellow brick road that can lead us away from the promised fulfillments.

This lesson rings true throughout life.  You must follow the right paths in order to obtain your goals and desires.  Hard work, perseverance, and the will to succeed, will go very far in helping to make these achievements a reality.  These are important, but there is something else I feel must be addressed before we get to this point.

There is a time in the very near future, where you will find yourselves at a crossroad with a decision to make.  This is the intersection of leading versus following.  There is certainly times in life where you will do both dependent on the circumstance presented.

Your Mom and I have given you all of the tools and the foundation to succeed in life.  We both have come to know each of you and feel that you are leaders.  You can succeed at both, but we fill leadership is your calling.

What do I mean by leadership?  We feel that the leader in a group sets the standards for those that follow.  Regardless of the setting, you have the skills necessary to control any situation you may find yourself.  Whether it be setting positive peer pressure, picking the right friends, or simply going to the restaurant that you want to visit.

In the group photo of you and your friends above, I promise you want to be the leader.  Because the best thing about being the leader is when you stand up and become accountable for your actions, you will be the one calling the shots.  

Is it easy being a leader?  NO!  I can promise you, that if you take your role seriously and live the life you have in front of you to the best of your ability, with the help of God's guidance, you will be the great leader we envision you to be!!

I will meet you on the road less taken,

Your Biggest Daddy Cheerleader

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday Treat- To Kill a Mockingbird

As each of you know, I am an avid reader.  As late, I haven't read as much as I'd like, but it does not change the fact I have a passion for the written word.  Initially, I was not much of a reader, but my Mom, whom is the most prolific reader I know, knew just how to get me to read.  She turned me on to the classics, and the rest as they say is history (pun intended).  One of the first was, "To Kill A Mockingbird." It was written by Harper Lee.  The cool thing for me is that my Dad's, Father was born and raised close to Monroeville, Alabama, which happens to be the birthplace of Ms. Lee.

The book is a timeless classic that deals with coming of age, prejudices, and justice as seen through the eyes of a child in rural Alabama.  The story is one of an awakening to a not so perfect world.  This fictional account paints a picture of a simpler life and of growing up in a community dealing with racial prejudice, false accusations, and figuring out how to live through it.

If there is ever a book you read, I would encourage you to put "To Kill a Mockingbird," at the top of your list.

Although, there has never been a movie that is as good as the book, I would venture to guess that the movie adaptation may be in the top 5 of books brought to film.  It is as engrossing as the book and has a cast of characters that are exactly who you would envision while reading the book.  Gregory Peck's role as Atticus Finch is quite possibly my all time favorite portrayal by an actor in a movie.

After reading this book for yourself, I feel certain you will agree with many critics who claimed that "To Kill a Mockingbird," was the novel of the 20th century.

I will meet you in the balcony of the courtroom,

Boo Daddy

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mr Washington!!

One of my all time favorite Presidents, behind Mr. Ronald Reagan, is George Washington. Mr. Washington is probably the most recognizable President there has ever been. Why? Because his face is on the dollar bill.

George Washington trivia:

He was neither Republican nor a Democrat.  He was a Federalist.

His annual salary as president was $25,000.

He had no formal education.

The only president to be unanimously elected when he received all 69 electoral votes in 1789.

One of the largest and tallest presidents weighing in at over 200 lbs. and standing tall at 6'3". He wore size 13 boots as well.

He had to borrow money to attend his own inauguration.

He, in fact, never chopped down a cherry tree.  The story was made up by a man named Mason Weems shortly after his death to show people how honest Washington was as a child.

He loved ice cream so much that he kept ice boxes full for family and friends.  He was said to have ordered thousands of gallons of the wonderful treat.

He was the only member of the founding fathers to emancipate his slaves.

He introduced the mule into farming in the United States.

He was the first president to have his picture on a postage stamp.


A little known fact very important to us here at Life Advice, is the list of "110 rules"- rules to live by.  When George Washington was fourteen years old he was given this list.  Originally thought to be written in the year 1595 by Jesuit priests.  These rules are timeless in their application and invaluable in their content.  Click here to view George Washington's 110 rules.

Pay special attention to these rules:
1st  Treat everyone with respect.
3rd  Be considerate of others. Do not embarrass others.
24th  Don't draw attention to yourself.
48th  Actions speak louder than words.
60th  Some things are better kept secret.
63rd  A person should not overly value their own accomplishments.
82nd  Do not start what you can't finish. KEEP YOUR PROMISES.

This list written in 1595, still contains good Life Advice, that can be used today.

Thanks to the Father of our country,  who never fathered children of his own, but raised his wife Martha's two children, as his own.

It would be my hope that each of us would have a story made up to tell of our high moral values to others.

I am headed out to chop down a cherry tree,

President of the Big Daddy fan club

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shaving: A How To with a little How Not To thrown in!!

I have come to find that blogging takes some time.  Obviously, sometimes that can be the problem.  With the weekends being short as always, spending all day out of town on Saturday at a continuing education conference sure makes it tough.

On to the subject at hand.  Shaving.  I will eventually get around to a step by step tutorial, but I would be very unfair to you the follower, if I did not add our youtube video we did a little while back regarding shaving.

After watching the video, I am sure you will want to send out $9.99 in hopes this is one of the rare lost 3 Stooges episodes that got misplaced years ago.

Can't get much better than that!! Hope you guys have a great week!!

Clean Shaven Daddy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day revisited...

I always get great gifts for each and every holiday. This past Valentine's was no exception.  Sarah outdid herself as always.  The real surprise was when I found the DVD Babe in my little treasure trove.  I had mentioned months ago that I wanted this movie, but never seemed to get around to adding it to my library.  God love her, she remembered and made my day.  It had been years since I had seen it, but the memories I had was that I thought it was pretty good.

We watched it together as a family tonight.  What a wonderful movie.  Sarah, you knocked it out of the park.  Thank you, baby.

If you are looking for a wonderful family movie that the whole clan can watch and come away feeling better for having seen it,  you would be hard pressed to top Babe.  

Until next time.........That'll do Pig!!

Big D

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Did you know that you have something on your forehead???

Today is Ash Wednesday, it is the first day of Lent.  Ash Wednesday gets in name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance.  The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned.  The ashes are mixed with an oil and the resultant paste is the placed on the forehead in the form of the cross by the priest.  When dispensing the ashes the priest usually says, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

If you see this mark, realize that this is a common practice on Ash Wednesday.  Although it can be distracting to the viewer, the believer is showing his repentance to God as well as to you.

My prayers for those of you beginning your sacrifices for Lent.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday, Pancakes, Lent and 991....

Quick rehash from an earlier post, but hang in there with me a minute.  As we have established, Fat Tuesday is the English translation of the French phrase Mardi Gras.  Fat Tuesday is also known as Shrove Tuesday.  Fat Tuesday refers to the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday.

Why do many Church's have pancake suppers on Shrove Tuesday?  For years, I thought it was because pancakes were simple and easy to make.  I was wrong.   Because Lent is a time of fasting and sacrifice, the finer foods are considered a part of your sacrifices.  So back in the day, (I said it again, I've earned it)  to prevent waste, the eggs, butter, flour and sugar, as well as syrup were used up to prevent spoilage as well as ridding the cabinets of any temptations.  Many Church's forbid any products from animals, such as meat, eggs, and dairy products, as well as fats during Lent.  

Lent, in Christian tradition, is the period in the liturgical year leading up to Easter.  The traditional purpose of Lent is to prepare the believer for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is accomplished through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self denial. This will follow a forty day period which is symbolic of the fast Jesus had in the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan three times, before leaving victorious and beginning his ministry.

I realize that this doesn't really fit in here, but I will explain.  Last week, I asked James, if there is an emergency what phone number would he call?  He replied, "991."  I asked ,what number!? He said, you know, 991.  NINE, NINE, ONE!!!  That is what they taught us in school.  After a good laugh at his innocent mistake, I did teach him the correct number is 911.  Hope he never has to actually do it though.  hate to think my whole balance is dependent on somebody answering 991.

February 16, 1968, the first 911 service in America started forty two years ago.  Believe it or not, it was started in Haleyville, Alabama.  Shout out to my Alabama brethren.

Get in your last minute goodies, cause tomorrow we begin our forty day walk in Grace!

Glory!!  Hang up that phone and pass the syrup!!

Fat Tuesday Daddy

Mardi Gras!!

 Unless you know someone involved in Mardi Gras or live near a community that celebrates it, it can be confusing over what all of the fuss is about.  Therefore, I want to give you a quick primer.

The words Mardi Gras are French in origin and translate in English to Fat Tuesday.

There are three colors used in association with Mardi Gras.  These colors each have a specific meaning.
Purple represents justice, gold represents power and green represents faith.

Mardi Gras always starts on January 6th.  This date is also recognized as the twelfth day of Christmas or Epiphany.

There are many celebrations, but each night is capped off with a parade of revelers.  The revelers are also  called members of the krewe.  These members are usually selected by a certain ceremonial practice.  The societies have many by laws and secret ways in which they conduct their business.  When celebrating in public the traditional masks are worn, so that the member remains anonymous to those around him/her.

Many people attend the parades seeking out the many throws that can be obtained from the revelers.  The krewe members riding the floats will "throw" candies, trinkets, and baubles, to the crowds.  In Mobile, AL, candy is thrown along with the little treasures.  New Orleans Mardi Gras does not allow candy and foods to be thrown due to their city being below sea level.  Above you see a picture of the beads.  Beads have become synonymous with Mardi Gras.  Although, some will tell you it is tradition, one doesn't have to lift their shirt in order to obtain them.  

Moon Pies are a staple of Mardi Gras that have been around since I can remember.  I don't eat them often, but when I do I am usually flooded with memories from Mardi Gras past.

Above is a King Cake.  It is adorned with the three traditional colors and represents each of the Wise Men who came to find and see the baby Jesus on the Twelfth Day of Christmas.  Initially, it was baked in a round form to symbolize the circular route the Magi took in order to confuse King Herod, whose army was attempting to follow the wise men so that the Christ Child could be killed.  In recent years,  bakers have placed a small plastic Baby Jesus in the King Cakes as a surprise gift for the person lucky enough to get the piece with the figure inside.

There is much more to teach and learn about Mardi Gras, but for now we will call it a day!!

Put your shirts down and let's go grab an RC and a Moon Pie!!

Big Daddy of the Wannabe Mystics

Monday, February 15, 2010

Black roses??

I left black roses out on purpose, but not for the reason many of you may think.

Black roses can have many different meanings, therefore, I didn't address them in my Valentine's post.  With so many people asking about them, I figured I should do a quick addendum.

Many people say that black represents death and can therefore be meant as vengeance towards a foe.  Others see the black roses as the death of old habits and signaling rebirth.  It can also be associated with mourning or sadness.  It can be given in love as a symbol of tragic love, dying love, or the end of a relationship.

Unless you are goth or trying to be funny, with so many meanings the black rose is not the ideal rose to send to anyone!

Yours truly,

Gomez (Big Daddy)

The Olympic Games.....

Let the games begin!!!  So much for being on time.  I realize the games started a couple of days ago, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention them.

The Olympic games are really fun to watch.  It gives you something to watch on television that is different from what you normally see and introduces the viewer to new things.  You may learn something new about a sport, a country, a tradition, a food, or any number of things.  

The Olympics also brings about a national pride that sometimes needs to be rekindled.  There is nothing like cheering on a young man or woman that has sacrificed the better part of their lives to master a sport and represent their country on the biggest sports stage in the world.

For the better part of two weeks, the world is watching to see how "their" teams and individuals are fairing against the best of the best.  It really is something to behold.  It is also amazing that in a short period of time these athletes can endear themselves to your hearts for a lifetime.  There are many, but at the top would be the 1980 Men's Hockey Team.  The chant USA,USA,USA,  for me, will forever be synonymous with their gold medal win.

When I was growing up, I will remind you that we only had three channels on the television (four if you counted the local PBS channel).  So when the Olympics were on, there was very little they had to compete with.  Now with all of the different television channels on cable and satellite, the Olympics are up against a little more competition for the viewers.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised, if you make them a part of your routine every two years.  The Olympics come every four years, but now the Winter and Summer games have situated themselves so that they occur every second year from each other.

Give the Olympics a chance, I think as you get older you will come to realize that they are actually very enjoyable.

So now that I've gone all the way around the world (pun intended), I will get to the main reason for this post. 

What does the Olympic flag represent?

The five interlocking rings, represent the five inhabited continents of the world.  The colors represent every flag of every country that participates.  There may only be one color represented on a given country's flag, but rest assured that one of the six colors on the Olympic flag will be found.  No, you read that right, there are six colors.  The rings comprise of five of these colors, most people forget to count the white field the rings are placed on as a color as well.

In honor of Rich Brooks and his team, I leave you with this:  USA!USA!USA!

Big Daddy 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The year of the Tiger!!

No, this is not a post about my college football team the Auburn Tigers.  This is a note to say Happy Chinese New Year!!  With Emily Margaret joining our family (hopefully soon), we have kept a close watch on everything China.

That being said, just wanted to do a quick blog to say, "Happy Chinese New Year in this the year of the Tiger."  Also, here at home, I wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's to all my family and especially Ms. Emily Margaret, my heart is all yours, today and everyday!!

Love you, Sarah.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Roses and Valentine's Day!!

As long as I can remember, roses have played a big part of Valentine's Day!!  Whether it was walking by the office at school and seeing all of the different roses lined up on the counter waiting to be delivered to all the expectant young ladies or seeing the normally sparse parking lot at the local florist filled to a point that cars were lined up twenty to thirty deep in each direction leading away from the store. I knew at a very young age that roses were POWERFUL!!

In fact, I was heartbroken, when Jan Walker, got roses when I was in the fifth grade!!  I always had a soft spot in my heart for Ms. Jan.  I remember going through my Valentine's and finding the "special Snoopy," one just for her (Jan loved Snoopy).  I took special care to write my name very neatly and I even put "Your Friend" on it, hoping she would get the hint.  So all of my hard work and trepidation was shot down in a blaze of glory, by a carefully created bouquet of three red roses!!  Snoopy could not hold a candle to the fragrant LOVE flowers.  That was my first experience with the POWER of roses.

 Later on (years later), I would come to learn that her Dad sent her those flowers.  Doesn't change the fact, that I took a whole lot of grief from my friends, because I passed out Charlie Brown Valentine's cards and not something cool like G.I. Joe.   Those knuckleheads would later find out that I was ahead of the times and that G.I. Joe wasn't the coolest as far as the girls were concerned, but that is another story.

One thing I need to point out is that roses were not as easy to come by, as they are now.  Earlier, I mentioned the florist being so busy on Valentine's Day.  The reason is that the florist was the only place that you could get roses.  Now, you can get roses anywhere this time of year.  From the Chinese buffet restaurant, to WalMart, and even the local gas station, you can get the last minute rose to fulfill your Valentine's needs.

Since this is an advice blog, pay attention, if roses are the direction you are going, only use a florist.  Florists will have the best roses available and they will arrange them with the loving care you want to demonstrate when giving them to your special friend.  The little bit extra you spend will pay off in the long run.  I promise.

I don't give roses on Valentine's, because I think it is too easy.  It takes a little more work and attention to get something else.  Taking the road less travelled is not always a bad idea.  This advice may be best used as you get older.  Roses are probably what young ladies equate more with Valentine's than that carefully picked out necklace or charm bracelet.

The best time to give roses is July 12th,  November 2nd, or March 15th.  What I am saying is you send roses on a day that has nothing to do with anything.  (I know March 15th is the Ides of March, but your girlfriend probably won't)  You get my point, giving roses just "because" is the best way to send flowers.  By doing it this way, she gets roses every so often and you get to be the hero.

Roses and Valentine's Day.  If this is the road you take, make sure you send the right color.  You didn't realize that each color has a different meaning?  Well they do.  Here is a primer for some of the basic colors.  If you have questions about less common colors, call the local florist, I promise they will be able to point you in the right direction.

Red is the classic color of beauty and love.  By sending these roses, you are saying "I love you."  These are the most popular color sent, just remember their symbolism when you send them.

As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration.  Pink roses also convey appreciation and joyfulness.

The bright, sunny color of yellow roses conveys a feeling of warmth and happiness.  The warm feelings associated with the yellow rose are often akin to those of shared with a true friend.  As such, the yellow rose is an ideal symbol for joy and friendship.

Peach roses are my favorite and the color I always try to send.  Why?  Because, I think they are beautiful, also, because it takes a little more work to get than the traditional colors.  Their meaning involves thankfulness, appreciation, and admiration.  All of the things I want to convey to your Mom.  For me peach roses are the ultimate win-win situation.

White roses represent purity and innocence and are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.  When sending roses, pick out the right occasion, the right person and the right meaning.  I promise, if you will invest as much time and effort as you do money, your efforts will be greatly rewarded!!

Take time to stop and smell the roses.  I love you guys,


The most important Valentine's Day card you will ever give-

We have talked about this before, but now you are getting to an age that it's time to stop talking and begin acting!

The question on the table is: What is the most important Valentine's card/candy gram/gift you will ever give?

I expect the following answers: 

#1 To my Mom.  Although, you can't go wrong here, not what I'm looking for.

#2 To my girlfriend.  You better or she might not be your girlfriend for long.  Still not what I am looking for.

#3 My wife. See #2.  If you don't, I can guarantee, you will be number 2.

#4 The one I gave to Elle Macpherson.  Just kidding, but you have to be real careful with that one.  You could be a hero or just as easily a stalker with that one.

I know, this is kind of a trick question.  I promise you that once you read my answer, this could possibly be one of the best things you will ever do in your life.  

The most important Valentine you could ever give is to the young lady that probably won't get one.  I am not asking you to put yourself in a position that will embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable.  I am asking you to carry out the tradition of Valentine's day!!  Give a young lady a Valentine's, but don't sign it or let her see you getting it to her.

I am not naive enough to think that you don't know any young ladies that will fill this role.  There are always people who don't fit in or are misunderstood.  This is one of the few times in your life where you can do something really nice and realize that the anonymity of the gesture will only intensify the mystery for the young lady who receives this joy!!  If somebody does find out (which I highly doubt, as sneaky as you two are), the young lady you are really trying to impress will be over the moon with you, when you explain to her why you gave that special Valentine's to the one person you felt deserved it more than anybody else!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
I love you, Sarah!

Big Daddy of Love

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What tricks can you do with your gas cap?

Before I get to the title subject, allow me to tell you what is going on.  First and foremost, Sarah has gone to teach breast feeding to all of the new and expectant parents at the hospital.  Secondly, I am taking Joseph just down the street to the little young lady's house, that I talked about in the NBC post.  Lastly,  James and I are staying home and hanging out together.

That was a short sweet paragraph.  Don't be fooled, it is a very condensed version and will assuredly be addressed in future posts.

James decided that we would watch a movie, so we set out to rent a DVD.  The weather is cold, windy, with periods of very light sleet mixed with snow, James had the perfect plan.  We would sit around in our sleep pants and eat popcorn popped the old fashioned way.  Once we got in the car, I realized that I was almost out of gas.  It always happens when it is the nastiest weather.

Joseph went with us, because it was a little early for his party.  Credit goes to him for the pictures.  We were not going to get far without gas, so in spite of the weather, we headed straight to the gas station.

Am I the only person this happens to when the weather is bad?   I always pick the gas station that doesn't have the clip on the handle that holds the lever in place causing the gas to fill automatically allowing me to stay in the car while the tank is filling.  

This leads us into the subject of my post.  What tricks can you do with your gas cap?

Other than keeping gas from pouring out of your tank, what else can you do with your gas cap?  Look at the size of the cap.  How tall is it?  That's right.  It is just the right height to do this!!

The gas cap is just the right height to slide into the handle (like above) allowing you to sit in the car while your tank fills.  The gas flow will automatically shut off when the sensor in the handle tells it to.  Once the gas handle shuts off, you can get out of the car, remove the cap, top off the tank, and replace the cap.

So the next time you find yourself in just such a situation, see what tricks your gas cap can do!!

Aliens in the Attic wound up being the choice for our afternoon entertainment.  James and I are headed to put on our sleep pants.

Not quite so messed up by the weather,

Warm and Dry Daddy

What does NBC have to do with young love?!

What does NBC have to do with young love?
Well, you probably would get a better idea from visiting my beautiful Wife's blog over at At Home With the Hinsons, but I will try to do it justice.

The other day, I drove home from work and as I was pulling in to the house, I noticed this cute young lady walking up the street.  James and Blake were running around shooting their AirSoft guns, the dogs were chasing each other, but I didn't see Joseph.  I knew he couldn't be far away, because the kids and dogs wouldn't be outside the fence otherwise.  Closing the door of the car, I saw Joseph come around the corner of the fence with his AirsSoft gun and the cute young lady squarely in his sights.  In his deepest voice he said, "Hello, Dad.  How was your day?"

A couple of things happened before I could respond.  Joseph's chest puffed out and his peacock feathers spread out real wide all around him.  The young lady stopped, turned and noticed his feathers.  She must have been impressed, because she walked over to talk to him.  They spent the better part of an hour talking, toeing at the ground,  and giggling, before she had to go home.

My little man is growing up.  I am proud of him.  Nothing like young love to remind me of the wonderful NBC commercials with the peacock spreading his feathers!!

Have a wonderful day,

Casanova's Dad

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What happened to the eating at the fancy table?

Added the Harry Potter table, because I always thought it was cool as well as fancy.

Just a couple of things to note today.   Having already posted, don't want to overwhelm.

*When going to a dinner party, ALWAYS arrive ten minutes early.

*Make sure you introduce your date to everyone you know.  When introducing to more than one person, you introduce the host first, then the next most important person, and so on down the line. An example would be introducing your host, then maybe your boss, assistant manager, and coworkers.  If you are not in a setting where you know the order of people, the rule of thumb, is to introduce from the eldest to the youngest.

*When mixing prior to sitting down for your meal, always keep one hand free for shaking hands.  It may be awkward holding a drink and balancing hors d'oeuvres in one hand, but to follow etiquette, you will have to do the best you can.

*Always use good manners.

What are good manners?  That will be the subject of other posts in the future.  For now, begin learning these nuggets, and I promise you will be ahead of the game when that invitation to the "Big Dinner" comes your way.

A side note, you don't always have to introduce me first.  I am not the most important, but probably the oldest.  Remember, old folks like to feel young every once in a while.

Love you,

Tired Old Daddy

We interrupt this blog with a Daddy obsession..

My love of entertainment, whether it be a good television show, book, or movie, keeps me sane and grounded.  Many people have different means of escape, these are mine.

In ten years, you will probably still remember that everything came to a halt when LOST was playing.  Ten years from now, people will still be studying LOST as one of the best (if not the BEST television show) ever.  What makes it so good?  Storytelling that leaves a little bit of mystery, little bit of intrigue, and a little bit of magic!  That is what LOST brings with each and every episode.  It begs its audience to be smart.  It challenges its audience to be on top of its game.  One of the few shows that gives its viewers the credit for having the intelligence to not only follow along, but strive to figure out what is around the next corner!!

Thanks to JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof, and Carlton Cuse for taking me along on this Magical Mystery Tour!!

I leave you with one of my favorite scenes from the show.

John Locke in one of the most notable scenes of LOST.  A quote to live by spoken by him was, "Don't tell me what I can't do."  Tonight begins the end of the series and I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Until next time,

Big Daddy

Monday, February 1, 2010

How does a person eat at a fancy restaurant and how would you set the table?

Looking back at some of my posts, I realize my heart was in the right place, but I was getting away (a little) from my intended subjects.  So today's post will be a reboot of sorts.

It wasn't long ago that we were watching something on TV and there was a big fancy dinner table with all kinds of fancy place settings.  The question quickly posed went like this, how can somebody eat with all that fancy stuff on the table, and how would you know where to put all of that fancy stuff?

The above place setting begs the initial questions the boys asked.  I am here to tell you that I have probably eaten no more than five times in my life at a place that is this fancy.  A couple of things to say here, would be that the food was probably pretty good, but not better than something Mom could do.  Also, if you are not on expense account, the price of the meal is probably a little higher than your Dad's pay grade.

All of that being said, I want you to be comfortable if you ever find yourself at this table.  The best rule of thumb regarding the silverware is to work from the outside in toward the plate.  Also, if you are not sure, make light conversation with those around you, while stealing a quick glance to see what others are doing (more often than not they may be doing the same thing).  If you are in a fancy restaurant, generally, the wait staff, will guide you along in the correct manner.

The above diagram shows a legend for how to set up a formal place setting.

This is a fairly simple diagram for correct placement.  If you are put in a situation where you are asked to help set up these settings, tell the host that you are not comfortable with doing so.  If that answer falls on deaf ears, here is a solution that might help you wing your way through the task. Place the items with  even amounts of letters in its name to the left of the plate and place the items with odd amounts of letters in its name to the right side of the plate.  Simple rule that works and is easy to remember.  Another rule, although not steadfast, is to place the smallest items on the outside and gradually increase with the largest items winding up closest to the plate .

Gracious, that is a lot to learn.  I am proud that we have that under our belts.  Tomorrow, we will tackle some more etiquette and eating issues.  

Just a quick note to-Sarah, Joseph, James, and Ms. Emily Margaret: If I haven't told you today, I sure do love you guys.

Have a wonderful day!!